Diagnosis of safety and health conditions at work in the tourism sector during Covid 19. Guachetá – Cundinamarca
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According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourism is defined as a social, cultural and economic phenomenon, in which a movement of people between countries or in the same place of residence is generated, occasionally due to personal, work or professional aspects. The present investigation is of an observational type, cross- sectional, quantitative approach, and descriptive scope. A data collection instrument was designed with sociodemographic and occupational variables, health conditions, and occupational health and safety conditions. The results allow us to observe that of the total population only 25% have a contributory health regime, 16.7% have affiliation to the occupational risk insurer, there is a lack of knowledge about biosafety measures. identification of hazards and risks in their workplaces, and a negative impact due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Additionally, biological, chemical, ergonomic and psychosocial risks are identified, for which it is necessary to carry out a mapping of the companies in order to be able to implement the protocols, processes and procedures that guarantee the safety and health of visitors and tourists.
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