The plebiscitary surge: Analyzing the democratic progress in Colombia and Chile since 2016
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This paper offers a philosophical and legal reflection on political trust in the elections of Chile and Colombia between 2016 and 2023. The analysis is based on Daniel Innerarity’s theory of complex democracy, which argues that preestablished rules of the game must be guaranteed for the electoral process, rooted in liberal democracy. Within this framework, the lack of confidence in elections poses a challenge to defining this system of governance and, specifically, to decision-makers. The lack of trust in elections represents a significant problem for this system of government, particularly for decisión makers. Thus, this document addresses the question of whether plebiscitary indications can be identified in the region, specifically in Chile and Colombia, from 2016 to 2023. And if identified, it aims to analyze what responses have decisión makers in these countries provided during this period. The bibliographic review and qualitative analysis indicate that governments tend to incorpórate more traditional elements of democracy, such as incorporating plebiscites elements into their programs, even if this implies surpassing liberal principles. Additionally, the political trust data seem to challenge the understanding of Latin American electoral rules, but they also present new scenarios that political actors and the government system must address.
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