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José Enrique Arias Pérez
    Juan Fernando Tavera Mesías

      José Enrique Arias Pérez,

      Doctorando en Dirección de Empresas, Universidad de Valencia; magíster en Gestión de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Universidad de Antioquia. Profesor, Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad de Antioquia. Correo electrónico

      Juan Fernando Tavera Mesías,

      Doctorando en Marketing, Universidad de Valencia; magíster en Administración, EAFIT. Profesor, Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad de Antioquia. Correo electrónico

      The relation between knowledge management (KM) and innovative performance has always been mentioned in scientific literature; however, it has become a black box because there are few studies showing detailed characterization. The aim of this paper is to explore the existing relation between knowledge management maturity (KMM) and product and marketing innovation in leading R&D companies. A survey was applied to R&D staff and then, Chi Square test was used to establish associations among variables. As a result, the collection of knowledge is the variable that has the most significant impact on both types of innovation. It is also important to mention that Meaning Management is related to product innovation, as KM technologies to marketing innovation. In conclusion, it is evident the importance of KM variables related to cultural aspects on product innovation, while those related to technological aspects have more impact on marketing innovation

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