Calculation to reach the square root with the babylonic method using three programming paradigms
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In this article an algorithmic solution to approximate the square root of a given number, based on the method used by the Babylonians and using modern computational resources it arises. To implement this algorithmic solution, it has come to functional programming through the Scheme language environment DrRacket version 6.1, to imperative programming in C ++ environment DevC++ version and object-oriented programming in Eclipse Java EE IDE Java environment for Web Developers Version: Moon Service Release 2 (4.4.2). The methodology is part of the quantitative scientific research and technological instrumental order. The algorithm presented and the methodology have been shared with students of Systems and Computer Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. The results have been significantly favorable quantitatively since it has been able to establish a link between theory and practice as well as in technology as it has helped promote programming among students the idea that when the logic is clear, the paradigm programming language and automatically become clear. With this research experience it is clear that it is possible to implement solutions to old traditional math problems without losing its northern and efficiency and effectiveness and to find differences and similarities between different programming paradigms.
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