RPA - Robotic process automation: A review of the literature
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A large number of organizations worldwide are currently facing various challenges, among which is a high degree of dynamism, innovation and flexibility in order to achieve competitive advantage over other companies, for this reason many of them try to incorporate new technologies, among which is RPA - robotic process automation. Therefore, in this document a literary review on RPA will be carried out, for which an investigation was carried out with the use of various documents such as scientific articles, monographs, theses, publications, among others. Initially, a brief breakdown was made of the milestones or relevant concepts throughout the history of RPA; Subsequently, a characterization of the important aspects of digital transformation was carried out, and the pillars for its correct implementation. The following is an in-depth look at the concept of RPA, some of its features and benefits. In addition, an analysis of some of the most popular and robust tools on the market was carried out. Among which are Uipath and Automation Anywhere; two of the pioneering companies in the development and integration of new technologies in their respective tools, positioning themselves as the market leaders in recent years. The great relevance of the automation of processes in the market is identified, in the same way the evolution of this type of technologies is evidenced, integrating each time concepts to achieve great robustness, efficiency and effectiveness within the tools used for the implementation of RPA.
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