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Strategies for strengthening the teaching and learning of multiplication in the third grade of the IED Julius Sieber de Tunja



How to Cite
R. del P. Daza Herrera, “Strategies for strengthening the teaching and learning of multiplication in the third grade of the IED Julius Sieber de Tunja”, Rev. Ing. Mat. Cienc. Inf, vol. 7, no. 14, pp. 127–136, Jul. 2020, Accessed: Dec. 22, 2024. [Online]. Available:



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Rocio del Pilar Daza Herrera

    Rocio del Pilar Daza Herrera,

    Magíster en didáctica de la Matemática. Especialista en didáctica de la matemática. Licenciada en educación básica con énfasis en matemáticas humanidades y lengua castellana. Actualmente trabajo como docente en preescolar en el Hogar Infantil mentes creativas y grandes Talentos. ICBF.

    The research carried out presented as a center of interest the learning of multiplication, from the implementation of a didactic strategy, applied to children in the third grade of Basic Primary. It was taken into account that for children it is of vital importance to be protagonists of their own knowledge, that is, when they feel involved in the design of strategies, they feel motivated by the learning that is coming. The purpose was focused on implementing pedagogical strategies mediated by play, play and everyday life, to contribute to the learning of the multiplication of students of the third grade of basic education of the Julius Sieber Educational Institution in the city of Tunja. The implemented methodology was focused on the qualitative, with an action research type, with the development of four phases. Among the results, it is perceived that the children had fun with the strategy, due to the motivation they had with the use of the computer; those who had access to this tool. Those who developed the strategy in the notebook had fun, because the problem situations listed were part of their daily lives; In the same sense, the teacher’s reflection on the process of development, application and reflection of the strategy, by the teacher, enriches the processes.


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