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Proposal for the standardization of processes in the area of quality, patient safety and sarlaft (Case of colombian oncological entity)



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S. Salcedo, W. Roa, and E. A. Fuentes, “Proposal for the standardization of processes in the area of quality, patient safety and sarlaft (Case of colombian oncological entity)”, Rev. Ing. Mat. Cienc. Inf, vol. 7, no. 14, pp. 39–57, Jul. 2020, Accessed: Dec. 22, 2024. [Online]. Available:



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Steeven Salcedo,

Estudiante de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Libre Bogotá – Colombia.

Wilmer Roa,

Estudiante de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Libre Bogotá – Colombia.

Ever A. Fuentes,

MBA., profesor de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Libre Bogotá – Colombia.

The lack of standardized processes can become a serious problem within organizations, as it could attract consequences such as: the existence of non-conformities in products and / or services, customer dissatisfaction, work overload, among others. The area of Quality, Patient Safety and SARLAFT of the Colombian Oncology entity, object of this work, has been affected by this problem, due to this and looking for a solution to it, this project was developed. In the oncological entity, it is intended to cover the problem of non-standardization, starting with an initial diagnosis to understand the state of the institution’s processes, followed by adequate documentation and time-taking of the procedures, to end with the generation of control indicators and the measurement of non-quality costs of the system. After having applied the standardization, the ideal time was obtained for each of the activities carried out by the area; Furthermore, the PEF methodology (Prevention, Evaluation and Failure Model) was applied to analyze the costs of Quality and Non-Quality in the institution. With the results obtained from this research, it was possible to make a proposal to the Colombian Oncology entity, in which the identification of the processes that do not generate added value to the activities of the area and also of those that present a high risk for the operation of the institution.


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