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The natural law in the political constitution of Colombia, a vision from the postulates of Javier Hervada


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Restrepo Pimienta, J. L., Cruz Mahecha, D. E., & Fonseca Deluque, R. D. J. (2022). The natural law in the political constitution of Colombia, a vision from the postulates of Javier Hervada. The Republican Journal, 32, 237-254.


Jorge Luis Restrepo Pimienta,

Abogado, Doctor en Derecho, pos doctor en Epistemología, magíster en Derecho, magíster en Salud Pública, especialista en Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, docente de carrera titular, investigador sénior, Universidad del Atlántico.

Diego Enrique Cruz Mahecha,

Abogado, doctor en Derecho, pos doctor en altos estudios del Derecho, pos doctor en Epistemología, magíster en Derecho Constitucional, especialista en Derecho Administrativo, Tributario y Aduanero, docente universitario de la Universidad Libre.

Roberto De Jesus Fonseca Deluque

Abogado, Doctor en Derecho, magíster en Derecho Ambiental, Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Negocios, especialista en Derecho Administrativo, y notario segundo de Riohacha.

The thematic plurality and the prolixity of the texts and acknowledgments that are integrated into the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 allow it to be studied and considered from different perspectives and criteria, both doctrinal and argumentative. On this occasion, we will proceed to demarcate those features of the constitutional text that allow us to highlight its correlation withthe postulates that, regarding the theory of natural law, Javier Hervada has established. To achieve this objective, the criteria of a dialogical methodologywill be used, through which it is possible to establish a kind of conversation between the constitutional texts and the postulates that Hervada expresses, which are typical of the so-called natural law.

The method used in this research does not deviate from the methodology that will be used, since it corresponds to the dialogical criteria between texts, which will allow the construction of conceptual reasoning that denotes the conceptual identity between the Constitutional Charter and the principles of law. natural, expressed in the work of Hervada. With this paper we intend to address a conceptual problem that demands that the relationship of the criteria of a conceptual aspect of Law, such as Natural Law, be clarified from a theoretical perspective, with an apparently neutral text, in terms of what that it refers to its ideological source, such as the Political Constitution of Colombia, which in its practical development, and more in the evolution, which the judiciary has given it, has been valued from the criteria of legal positivism, of legal realism, and even from the orbit of ius-naturalism.


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