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Author Guidelines

The  Republican Journal is a six month publication from the Republican University Research Center, located in Bogota, D.C., Colombia,  whose purpose is to render national and international academic work accessible through scientific articles which must be from unpublished and finished research projects in matters pertaining to law and to the social sciences. 

Manuscripts are accepted on an ongoing basis. Nonetheless, the deadline for the first semester becomes due on 20th march. As for a submission during the second semester, the maximum due date is September 20th.


- The Republican Journal has established two forms of criteria for the submission, evaluation and publication of articles:

1- The type of the article according to Colciencias categories.

2- Verification of having met the formal requirements.


The first criteria takes into account the typology established by Colciencias, once set into the Guidelines of the Permanent Services for Indexation of Colombian Scientific Journals:

- Scientific and technological papers: A written report, which outlines original results of a research that follow the formal requirements established within a discipline and a scientific community. These formal rules might be the most broadly accepted practices of the scientific community.

-Article of reflection: A document that presents the results of a finished research from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective, as well as from a specific topic, followed by original and secondary sources.

- Article of revision: A document in which the research outcomes of published and unpublished projects are analyzed, systematized and integrated. This ultimately allows the reader to consider the topic’s advances and trends within its development. This type of article offers a diligent literature review with at least fifty references.

 - Short Article: A brief document that presents the original preliminary or partial outcomes from a scientific or technological approach, which requires a rapid dissemination. 

  • - Case report: A document which puts foward results from a particular situation. The aim of this type of article is to describe technical and methodological insights into an specific case. Case report may include a systematic review of literature about similar cases.
  • -Topic revision: A document based upon a critical revision of the literature at hand, regarding a particular subject.
  • -Translation:  Translation of classical and current topics.  This tipology also includes the historical documents or others of particular interest for the journal.

-      The second criteria verifies the accomplishment of formal requirements, therefore requires one to submit articles, which must be complied with the following elements:

1) Abstract in Spanish

2) Key words in Spanish

3) Abstract in English   

4) Key words in English

5) Introduction

6) Research problem

7) Working hypothesis (if applicable)

8) Methodological strategy

9) Results

10) Conclusions

11) Bibliography


If the submitted article does not correspond to any neither of the former categories, nor with those that precede the eleven points of criteria mentioned above, document will be returned to its author. However, the author might send back a new version to the editor if formal requirements have been met.

The Editorial Board of the Republican Journal gives priority to the publication of articles of research, reflection or revision (Colciencias aforementioned categories).

Submitted articles must have enough theoretical and empirical content. Bibliographical references must be in accordance with national and international citation rules. It is highly recommended to cite while using American Psychological Association –APA- 2015 version. Please visit the web site

Likewise, APA is also recommended for the usage of graphs, pictures, tables and charts.

The Republican Journal accepts articles in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

The first page must have a reference about the author’s academic background located within the footer. Also, one is encouraged to mention how the research project is related to the article and the institution sponsoring the research.

-Articles must have a maximum length of 20 pages, Arial script, font 12, 1.5 spacing.

-Articles can be submitted in hardcopy to the administrative building of the Republican University Corporation Avenue Carrera Séptima, 19-38 4th Floor or in digital version at either or              

It is compulsory for authors to certify through a letter the origin of their work and its belonging in a project and institution. The Journal assumes that the submitted articles have not yet been published in any other journal or media.

Subsequently, members of the Editorial Board send submitted articles to anonymous peer reviewers, who decide based upon the journal criteria for the publication of articles.  One must be aware that these peer reviewers were chosen because of their high academic qualifications and career experience. (They also have experience in publishing within acknowledged journals and have previous studies of masters or Ph.D)

In regard to the evaluation of articles, the journal has followed a double-blind peer review process as to avoid biased results. The authors do not know the identity of their evaluators; this will continue to take place, as the latter does not also know the identity of the former.

Once a decision by the peer reviewers have been made, the Editorial Board is no longer obliged to:

1-    Accept submitted articles which do not fulfill the criteria

and has the faculty to:

2-     Request the authors to undertake revisions, restrain the publication until modifications have been made, or reject it out of hand.

The Republican Journal Editorial Board will provide a written notice to all the submissions which have been formally accepted. If it is possible, the notice will indicate in which issue the article will be published. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article has not been previously submitted to another journal or publication
  • The file was submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • References should provide URL information, if possible.
  • The organization of references must be presented in single spacing, italicized in font 12. It is suggested to avoid underlining. All graphs, pictures, charts and illustrations are placed into the right space in accordance with the text and not at the end of the document.
  • The text must adhere to the stylistic and bibliographical conventions already outlined in this section.
  • Please make sure to read carefully all the instructions before completing the submission process.

Privacy Statement

La Revista Republicana y su contenido son propiedad de la Corporación Universitaria Republicana y, en consecuencia, sólo se podrá acceder a ella para lectura o impresión, como copia personal, y sin ánimo de lucro. Cualquier otra forma de utilización como reproducción, transformación, comunicación pública o distribución, con fines lucrativos, requiere la autorización previa de la Corporación Universitaria Republicana.

Los nombres y direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.

Los artículos que contiene esta revista representan la opinión de sus autores y no constituyen necesariamente la opinión oficial de la Corporación Universitaria Republicana.



Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |