Energetic rehabilitation of rural school in Santiago del Estero Argentina
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In this paper, we propose the hygrothermal comfort analysis of a rural educational building in a dispersed settlement, located southeast of the province of Santiago del Estero, in the town of Las Viboritas, department of Mitre, in Norte Grande, Argentina. A methodological, descriptive, experimental and analytical combination was used for the diagnosis of the behavior of the case study. The state prototype, called the base case, is diagnosed with poor thermal performance. Therefore, an alternative to improve the energy rehabilitation of the envelope is proposed. Both cases were evaluated comparatively, with the adjustment of thermal simulations and the verification of calculation values with the admissible ones established in the series of IRAM Standards on thermal conditioning. The analysis of the empirical and theoretical data obtained, allowed us to observe that the improved case responds optimally to the thermal-energetic behavior, achieving adequate interior comfort parameters in classrooms. In conclusión, the evaluation and design adjustment in state school projects prior to the construction stage, is essential for compliance with minimum quality standards, by the agencies responsible for their production; to contribute to the building energy efficiency of the school habitat, and favor environmental sustainability in unfavorable areas and the human development of its inhabitants.
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