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Development of lean manufacturing tools for the production line at Printer Colombiana S.A.S.



How to Cite
E. A. Fuentes, I. C. Parra, and O. N. Cañon, “Development of lean manufacturing tools for the production line at Printer Colombiana S.A.S”., Rev. Ing. Mat. Cienc. Inf, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 45–62, Jan. 2022, Accessed: Nov. 21, 2024. [Online]. Available:



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Ever Angel Fuentes,

MBA., profesor de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Libre

Ivan Camilo Parra,

Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Libre. Bogotá, Colombia.

Oliver Nicolas Cañon,

Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Libre. Bogotá, Colombia.

Printer Colombiana S.A.S. is a company with 40 years in the graphic arts industry that has seen this sector become more competitive day by day and faces the uncertainty caused by the current situation, where production is basically threatened by incursion of digital environments, for which it must be established how to promote growth in the company’s sales, without reducing the profit margin that must be attributed to this, implementing strategies that strengthen the business and generate a competitive advantage in the market. The differentiation in the services offered is well defined, what the client requires is to guarantee the fulfillment of the orders in the agreed times, low costs, and excellent quality, for this in PRINTER COLOMBIANA SAS, a series of Lean Manufacturing tools is determined in those that consider the creation of seasonal warehouses and relocation of pre-press, which yields an average decrease of 75% in travel times, reduces the setup time of the machine by 18 minutes, improving the VSM cycle time; In addition, control formats are provided in the printing process which help to have an order in the plant, errors are prevented in the production cycle and quality failures can be reduced by ensuring that the finished product is delivered to the customer’s satisfaction.


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