Hybrid energy for dispersed rural areas of the Province of Santiago del Estero (Argentina) in the framework of the SDG 2030 and the MDBA
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The provision of sustainable energy solutions in Rural Areas with Dispersed Population (ARPoDs) without the possibility of interconnection to power grids in the Province of Santiago del Estero (Argentina), motivates a preliminary analysis of the context at the global, national and provincial levels, and then to explore options that integrate different energy sources applied to a case study, specifically to the community located in the town of Las Viboritas, in the Mitre department of the aforesaid province. The purpose of the work is to present the analysis of the energy situation and possible energy supply solutions in the field of ARPDs from an integrative perspective, based on the 2030 ODS and the so-called New Rurality. In addition, the study of an alternative using solar-wind hybrid energy systems is described, contrasted with other options, even based on fossil fuels. A recognized computational tool is applied that allows optimizing the operation of systems with hybrid energy sources for each hour of the year. The design is carried out from the quantification of the demand, the dimensioning and cost of the technologies that make up the hybrid system, and the availability of renewable resources at the site under study. As a result, a solar-fossil hybrid system with a lithium accumulation bank is proposed, since this system presents greater reliability and safety for its operation as an isolated network.
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