Impact on social and communication processes in a colombian cancer entity
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Oncological entities aim at training, prevention and education programs on cancer-related issues; the Social and Communications areas are fundamental to achieve this objective, since it exploits each function around society to thus potentiate strategies that can be dissemination, approach with family and patients, in such a way that the exchange of information on topics is promoted of health, paying greater attention to the care, protection and implementation of healthy lifestyles, given the above, the need to incorporate different methodologies that can standardize the processes that are carried out has been generated, resulting in opportunities for improvement and effectiveness.
For this case study, use engineering tools obtaining an initial diagnosis, starting from the collection of information to the tabulation of the same, with respect to the above, making decisions establishing risks, factors, activities and procedures that diagnose more attention , however, the respective documentation is made, including annexes and instructions that allow a thorough understanding of the procedure and carry out a control of the same by analyzing unstructured times of each activity, on the other hand, it is possible to mitigate the different threats and negative impacts that may have to face the changes made, in addition, a larger organization and control of the process, generating a measurement system based on indicators that have greater support and control to what has been developed with their respective monitoring according to the stipulated to finalize an impact study was determined to determine the viability of the project or.
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