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O. Ayala Fuentes, S. Restrepo Torres, and E. Ángel Fuentes Rojas, “DEVELOPMENT OF A MARKETING PLAN FOR A RURAL LODGING COMPANY”, Rev. Ing. Mat. Cienc. Inf, vol. 11, no. 22, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.21017/rimci.1078.

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Orlando Ayala Fuentes,

Estudiante de ingeniería industrial en la Universidad Libre de Colombia, seccional Bogotá.

Simón Restrepo Torres,

Estudiante de ingeniería industrial en la Universidad Libre de Colombia, seccional Bogotá.

Ever Ángel Fuentes Rojas,

MBA., profesor de la facultad de ingeniería, Universidad Libre de Colombia, seccional Bogotá.

The tourism sector has become an emerging sector for the Colombian economy, especially ecotourism, which has become one of the main trends due to the high concentration of the population in urban areas. It is for this reason that those small towns that have an inherent attraction and are located in the vicinity of large cities show a great potential for the development of lodging companies and other tourism services. This article presents the results of a marketing plan for the company Eco-Cabañas Altozano SAS, located in the municipality of Nimaima. The research is based on primary sources, which were accessed through the manager, and on secondary sources compiled by the researchers. The results show that, despite being in a highly competitive environment, the project has the potential for growth if it takes advantage of the growing demand. To this end, strategies are formulated based on increasing the visibility of the current offer, the positioning of the company is determined, the marketing mix is established and pricing policies, discounts, offers and promotions are created. Finally, the corresponding economic estimates are made, which project a year-over-year growth.

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