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Performance analysis of web applications developed on Blazor from .Net Core, a review of its state of the art


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J. E. Robayo Linares, S. Ortiz Suarez, and R. Calderón Moreno, “Performance analysis of web applications developed on Blazor from .Net Core, a review of its state of the art”, Rev. Ing. Mat. Cienc. Inf, vol. 11, no. 22, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.21017/rimci.1074.

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Johan Estiven Robayo Linares,

Estudiante de último semestre del programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad de los Llanos.

Santiago Ortiz Suarez,

Estudiante de último semestre del programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Profesor Asistente Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad de los Llanos.

Roger Calderón Moreno,

Ingeniero de Sistemas, Especialista en Ingeniería de Software, Magister en Software Libre. Profesor Asistente Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad de los Llanos.

This article aims to provide insights into the approaches and features of web applications that can be developed using the Blazor framework. Additionally, a literature review was conducted comparing various performance metrics of rendering and general characteristics of Blazor with other JavaScript-based frameworks such as Angular, Svelte, Vue, Ember, and React. In the previously mentioned case studies, it was found that although Blazor is relatively new, it boasts a robust community that supports it through libraries, projects on GitHub, Stack Overflow forums, among others. On the other hand, it was observed in the studies comparing performance that Blazor excels in at most two metrics; however, despite this, the framework remains stable across the majority of performance metrics.

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